Spay/Neuter Vouchers for Individuals

Fix Georgia Pets is proud to call Georgia Spot Society our partner and a member of our spay/neuter grant program. While we work on funding grants for organizations like SPOT that facilitate low-cost spay/neuter, the SPOT team works directly with individuals throughout Georgia to help fund and find spay/neuter options!

Need Help Affording Spay/Neuter?

If you are an individual in need of financial help to spay/neuter your pet(s) or even community pets, please click below to apply for the Fix Georgia Pets/SPOT voucher program!

Stronger Together!

Our partnership with Georgia SPOT Society embodies our Stronger Together vision! Together, we strive to stop Georgia’s overpopulation epidemic and the senseless euthanasia of unwanted companion animals, one spay/neuter at a time!