Meet Fix Georgia Pets at the 2025 APAW Expo
Every year in Georgia, the Animal Protection And Wellness (APAW) Expo unites animal law professionals and animal welfare advocates to collaborate on cutting-edge best practices for protecting animals and humans in our communities.
We are hoping to host a Day Two session again at the 2025 APAW Expo on Saturday, October 18. So animal rescues and advocates, please mark your calendars to attend. Let us know you’ll be there so we can connect.
If you missed us at last year’s event, take a look at the recap and pictures!
APAW 2024 Recap
Our live roundtable offered resources for animal shelters, rescues and fosters, while helping us articulate the crucial role spay-neuter plays for cats and dogs across the state.
Many Thanks to Our Expert Panel
- Barbara Bruigom, President/Founder, The Rescue Ranch
- Mark Dowis, Director of Development, Good Mews Cat Rescue
- Lauren Frost, Director of Development and Marketing for Planned PEThood of Georgia
- Jan Jones, Founder of Butts Mutts Rescue
- Lori Trahan, Rescue Advocate and TNR Expert; Associate Director, Academic Strategy and Finance, Kennesaw State University
Congrats to Winners of Fix Georgia Pets Spay/Neuter Grant Drawing
- Butts County Animal Control
- Cats Angels Inc. SPCA (supporting Camden, Charleton, Glynn and Ware Counties)
- Crawford County Animal Control